How Many Hours Do You Waste Each Day
Mar 06, 2023
How Many Hours Do You Waste Each Day?
Some people argue that life is too short. Others believe that life is plenty long enough, provided you don’t waste too much of it. Either way, there’s no arguing that most of us probably waste at least a couple of hours each day. That time could be spent in a more constructive fashion.
Think about how much you could have accomplished over the last 10+ years with just one well-utilized hour each day.
It’s important to define what would count as “wasted.” Is watching your favorite TV show wasted time? Maybe. Maybe not. Is driving 45 minutes each way to and from work every day wasted, considering you could live five minutes from work? What if you were living in your dream town and house? Then a long commute might not be a waste.
It’s up to you to decide what you consider to be time well-spent. What’s important is to examine your life and how you spend your time.
Ensure that you’re getting the most out of your time and life with these ideas:
1. Electronic devices. Measure how much time you spend each day watching TV or playing on your cell phone. Do you play video games?
2. Internet. Of course, you need an electronic device to utilize the internet. How much time do you spend amusing yourself with the all the distractions available on the internet?
3. Social media. How much time do you spend checking up on friends and family each day or posting your own exploits to the rest of the world? Some believe that social media is only good for stalking and showing off. How do you use social media? Is it adding to your life or taking away from it?
4. How much time do you spend waiting? Some people like to arrive to appointments 30 minutes early. That’s 30 minutes you could spend doing something else.
How much time do you spend waiting in lines? Could you go to the store at a different time when you’re less likely to wait?
Studies show that the average person spends approximately 6 months of their life waiting. This includes waiting for the bus, train, doctor, security checkpoints in the airport, customer service, and traffic.
5. Use a time tracker. There are many apps and programs that will measure how you’re spending your time on your phone and computer. How many minutes do you really spend on YouTube each day? The tracker will tell you precisely.
6. Think of how you could better spend your available time. You might spend a lot of time unproductively out of habit. Most adults have routines they follow during the week and on weekends. It’s time to examine those routines and see if you can find a more productive routine.
You might find it more rewarding to learn to play an instrument instead of watching Seinfeld reruns at night. Or you could learn to speak French rather than playing Candy Crush before bed.
Consider your goals. Do you take the time each day doing something to move you closer to those goals and the life you desire?
Determine the biggest time wasters in your life and choose some more effective ways to spend that time.
Everyone needs to spend some time enjoying themselves, but are you enjoying that time as much as possible? Spend your leisure time in the most enjoyable ways you can. Unless you’ve thought about it, you’re probably not enjoying your downtime as much as you could be.
Everyone wastes at least part of their day. Determine your priorities and then examine how you’re spending your time each day. Think about how you could be spending your time more effectively and enjoyably. You’ll be glad you did!
Book a call with me to find out how I can free up your time and give you back more hours in your day to help your clients and spend time with your family through the power of automation.